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Research shows that music therapy has various positive effects on the social behavior and communication of children with autism: think of making and maintaining contacts, cooperating, dealing with changes, improving concentration and interaction, and gaining better insight into their own feelings and those of others.

In recent years, Dr Mathieu Pater has conducted research into music therapy as it has been offered at Papageno for many years. In this way, a contribution has been made in an innovative manner to the further professionalisation of music therapy for children and young people with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). On the basis of a literature review and practical research, a uniform intervention manual was developed: the Papageno Music Therapy Programme (PMTP). This was then tested incrementally to obtain indications of effectiveness and active elements. The evidence gathered provides insight into what happens within music therapy and, based on this, an initial working model was developed. In addition, the PMTP was incrementally examined using a descriptive case study (N=1) and a repeated experimental case study (N=10) with a series of measurements in a baseline and an intervention phase. Next, a larger multiple informant study (N=40) examined whether developments in social behavior in the context of therapy also occurred outside of that context, such as at school. The results showed that children with ASD began to behave more socially as a result of the PMTP, both at home and in other contexts.


  • Pater, M., & van Yperen, T. (2017). Muziektherapie voor kinderen en jongeren met ASS: En overzicht van de relevante literatuur. Kind en Adolescent, 38, 4, 233-259.
  • Pater, M. & van Yperen, T. (2020) The Development of Social Behavior During Music Therapy: A Child Case Report. International Journal of Psychiatry Research, 3(2): 1-6.
  • Pater, M., de Graaf, P. & van Yperen, T. (2019) Working Elements of Music Therapy for Children and Young People with Autism. Open Journal of Medical Psychology, 8, 78-96.
  • Pater, M., Spreen, M., & van Yperen, T. (2021). The developmental progress in social behavior of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder getting music therapy. A multiple case study. Children and Youth Services Review, 120, 1057- 1067. 
  • Pater, M., Spreen, M., & van Yperen, T. (2022) Music therapy for children on the autism spectrum: Improved social interaction observed by multiple informants across different social contexts. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy.
  • Pater, M. (2022) Music therapy for children on the autism spectrum: Improved social interaction observed by multiple informants across different social contexts. Dissertation, University of Groningen

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